Ruco de Onda: This Heat & Coil

This Heat – S.P.Q.R.
This Heat – Health & Efficiency
Camberwell Now – Working Nights
Camberwell Now – Speculative Fiction
Lifetones – For a Reason
Lifetones – Good Side
Gareth Williams & Marie Currie – The Best Weapon
Gareth Williams & Marie Currie – Generous Moon
Coil – The Snow
Coil – Heaven’s Blade
Coil – Red Birds Will Fly of The East and Destroy Paris In A Night
Coil – Ostia (The Death of Pasolini)
Coil – The Last Amethyst Deceiver
Ford Proco feat. Coil – Expansión Naranja


¡Escucha dos rucos de onda de surtido rico!


¡Ruco de Onda número 279!